The Business Process Management System Vital For Your Business

The terms 'Business Process Management' is certainly a current buzzword, but what exactly is this BPM and why is it seen as being so vital for businesses, especially in light of the recent economic downturn?

Well in fact BPM systems have evolved so dramatically over the last twenty years, but in a nutshell they are the technological tools and techniques to not only design business processes and manage them but also to improve business processes throughout any organisation. It is therefore a technologically advanced way of ensuring that the needs of the client are met by businesses, because business processes are as efficient and as improved as they can be!

This may not sound revolutionary or radical, but it is because the amount of time that a BPM system saves companies is not just substantial but it is enormous. Moreover collaboration is a key feature of BPM systems, which means that they are ideally placed to help businesses operate efficiently and effectively within the global market place.

Features OF BPM Systems

One aspect of BPM systems is that any BPM suite will feature multiple types of technology to ensure a generic approach to managing business processes.

There are basically two different types of BPM, in very broad terms and these are Front Office BPM and Back Office BPM.

The Front Office BPM systems are mostly focused on person-to-person business processes, where items or products may be devised and then the associated documentation will be created to support the business processes.

Back Office BPM systems are less person focused; instead they concentrate on system-to-system processes, where integration between systems can take place with the minimum of effort.

Benefits Of Business Process Management

The benefits of a good BPM system are enormous. But in order to ascertain the benefits, it is necessary to go 'back to basics'. A business process is something that is done to achieve a goal or objective of a business. Historically businesses operated independently and as one isolated company. However, now many businesses operate on a collaborative basis, with business processes crossing the boundaries of different companies.

This can often be confusing or can involve substantial resources to manage. The Business Process Management system will enable business processes to be defined and created or improved where necessary, but it will also enable the processes to be shared and managed, with data being produced as required by management.

So it becomes easy to integrate the business processes of one company with another, which in itself is a radical concept. Thus suppliers or partners can share information and data with ease.

Due to the fact that the BPM system will be completely automated, the data that it generates will also enable processes to be monitored as they happen or in 'real time', which means that any blips or hiccups in a process can be quickly identified and rectified before causing disruption.

This flexibility alone makes a BPM system worth far more than its weight in gold.

Historically the management of business processes was labour intensive and it was also reliant on vast levels of documentation, with no system-to-system integration and no ability to quickly monitor, analyse, improve or alter the processes. However, it is now a case of being able to execute all these functions within a matter of a few minutes, not the days or weeks that it would have taken in days gone by.

In fact, the business case for a Business Process Management System is so great that there is no reason not to invest in a good quality system to ensure that businesses process management is no longer a time consuming process in itself, but rather it is completely automated!

Business Process Improvement Consultant

Every company, big or small, can use a business process improvement consultant. For entrepreneurs who are too concerned over cutting costs, this may seem like an expense they can live without. If you think about it though, you may be able to save a lot by getting expert help.

In reality, you may actually be losing potential income without you even knowing it. The reason for this is because you may have a bad system running your company affairs. One of the first components that can take a hit is your customer stream. You may initially have a lot of interested prospects but your income isn't anywhere close to break even. This may be because of the lack of business process change. You may be losing customers to convoluted order procedures, poor support service, badly trained personnel and defective delivery procedures.

It's not just the loss of interested clients that can give you a hit. You might also lose out because of wasteful processes. It's possible for example that you may be following a long and difficult procedure or a highly disorganized one. This implies having to spend cash on steps, tools, forms and positions that may not even be necessary.

A consultant can help first of all by making sure your company focuses on customers. Although it is every entrepreneur's intention to sell, it may take comprehensive business process development to create loyal customers that will build a strong income stream. A specialist can help you determine who your real target market is, what its needs are and how you can best respond to those needs promptly and efficiently.

Consulting experts can also give a hand when it comes to streamlining and reducing procedures to essentials. Part of this involves making sure the processes of different sections flow smoothly into each other and work in a supportive way. The end result is a seamless working system that can help you save operational costs. You might find that paying a consultant a hefty fee may help you save more in the long run because of the establishment of an effective system.

Consultants working on business process improvement can give you even more by looking into your business goals. Aside from helping you clearly define them, they can also point you to the right direction when it comes to aligning them with your procedures. In other words, whatever it is that you do on a daily basis should be geared towards getting you closer to where you want to be.

Finally, you need a consultant because a good one can help lay the groundwork for continuous improvement. Even with a sound system in place, you need to realize that there are always better ways of doing things. An expert can give you the heads up on just what to look out for.

You can't afford not to pay attention to business process development. Even if you are little more than a legitimate backyard operation, you can do a great deal of things in so many better ways. Taking the best paths can give your company the boost it needs to grow. You may just need a specialist to show you where to begin.

Unique Selling Proposition You Have to Have One to Create Your Business Process

If you own a small business or you are starting one, you will give yourself the best start possible if you develop a business process first. This process will represent the entire way you handle your company. Read on to find out how you can make your process a winner.

You need to make sure your customers get the same experience every time, I want to spend today talking about the process of your business. Too many companies are built around their employees and how nice it is to work for them, the amenities, and the help provided. Too many companies rely 100% in their people to bring the company to the next level.

Now, of course this sounds like I'm saying that employees are like a virus or something, but that's not what I mean. I mean, that if you want to have a successful, rockstar-like business, where you are kicking the arse off of 98% of the other businesses out there, you need to have a PROCESS that you can plug people into. 

If your employees define your company and they go work next door for 50 cents extra per hour your business folds, period. That's not a good position to be in. It's almost likeyou are blackmailing yourself with your own business design. You've got to have a process. Even if you are an army of one, you need to have a process so that you can save the business from yourself. Sound weird? I hope so... but it should make more sense in a second.

You have to have direction. A business process begins with your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and moves into a method or everything that the business does, a map that you can refer to when you get lost. These need to be in place BEFORE you open your doors, or in place as you are rebuilding your business.

This way, with a map, even if you are the entire business, you can refer to your vision and your overall goal to get you back on track when you get off course. Let's say you build houses. You develop an ingenious PROCESS that will allow a team of 4 people to frame an entire house in 3 days. This allows your company to frame 60% more houses than any other team out there. You have this process before hiring a single person. You then hire the RIGHT people and plug them into the PROCESS. That way, if someone quits, you can easily find another person to replace them.

But isn't that a little harsh? Aren't we treating people like numbers? Not really. As a business owner, I dare you to treat your employees like numbers for a few days and see how they respond to you. No amount of process in the world will save a manager that doesn't care about her people. The management is part of your process design too. Just think McDonalds. You get the same experience whether you're in Alaska, Calcutta, or New Jersey. It doesn't matter who is serving the fries,because the PROCESS is all designed on making that work.

I hope that motivated you into ACTION.

If you are already doing this in your business I commend you. If not, well now you know. If you want to learn the foundation of your process, you need to start at the beginning and you need to start with your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

Business Process Mapping Technique Used For Visual Representation Of Processes

Business process mapping is a procedure used for graphical image of business in a view of a process map. The process map illustrates all the process associated activities, including volumes of input and output, approvals, exceptions, and cross-functional hand-offs. The fundamental objective of the map is to give a unite idea of business, so that participating enterprises and individuals can have an understanding of their precise role in the overall business strategy.

Most of the enterprise allowing mapping for the first time typically have two objectives: they need enhanced lucidity of, and operational compliance to, their everyday events. Their reasons are many and varied but more frequently than not it is to improve operational effectiveness and competence or to manage some form of change program.

Importance of process software:

• provides a total and transparent view of the business process. • Gives a comprehensible and logical way of thinking about business process. • Gives a way of communicating business to others. • Describes potential 'fail' and 'delay' points. • Describe exactly how stakeholders are operationally implicated. • recognize how we can deliberately seek response for business process improvement purposes.

There are also some facts that an expert should know from mapping software are:

• Introduction Lean and BPM Principles • Process Identification and Document Control • The Discovery Process - Data Gathering • Rosie's Diner Simulation Exercise • Interviewing and Mapping • Analyzing Data and Opportunity Analysis • Swim Lanes Methodology • Microsoft Visio Mapping Overview • Popular Symbols • Page Controls

While evaluating right mapping tool for streamlining processes and making them more proficient it is necessary that the process mapping software will follow all the BPMN guideline. mapping software will help companies to reduce lead time and improve quality, client satisfaction and profits. During the evaluation process everybody will know a hand on mapping experience and utilize it.

Business Process Outsourcing Right For You

Businesses typically use the services of Business Process Outsourcing companies to fulfill non-urgent routine activities such as human resources management, document and data management, customer relationship management. This is how they can save time for the really essential needs of their companies. Business Process Outsourcing services are offered by small and large companies, as well as such well-known giants as Xerox, IBM and Hewlett-Packard. The most preferable by Americans countries to outsource are in the east, for example, China, India, Russia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

The number of Business Process Outsourcing companies is growing largely every day, and it is estimated that in the near future , the European market can also open up to Business Process Outsourcing centers. Taking into consideration all this, one may think, that Business Process Outsourcing is an absolute necessity for every firm which wants to gain profits and stay on top. Not really, Business Process Outsourcing will not suit every company, and the executive who makes the decision about whether to outsource or not, should ask himself certain questions and should try to remember some simple facts about outsourcing.

First of all, en executive should have a clear idea of why the company needs to outsource. Depending on the main goal of outsourcing, you will be evaluating your results. Say, if a company wants to decrease the costs, then it should eventually evaluate the costs, and not something else. Secondly, it is necessary to choose the right Business Process Outsourcing provider. While evaluating, find out if they have the necessary technology and enough expertise to expedite your business. Thirdly, the company has to be fully prepared for delegating several functions to the outsourcer, and have at least an approximate plan of the transition process. The productivity of the outsourcer usually increases after working with you for a certain time. People in your company should not forget that they delegated a part of their tasks to the Business Process Outsourcing firm and concentrate on their new or changed roles instead of focusing on the old tasks. Next, the contract should certainly be written and signed; it should envisage the possible problems in the course of cooperation and explain how the conflict is to be solved in case of unsuccessful partnership. The contract should also describe the quality and level of services to be provided by a Business Process Outsourcing firm.